
Hi there and thanks for the interest in this blog/website. My name is Jari and I have lived in Thailand and traveled around the country and some other places in Southeast Asia for nearly ten years. I'm a foreigner here and I chose to live in Thailand because of its warm climate, beautiful beaches and islands and low cost of living. Thailand is also relatively modern and safe.

Thailand is generally an inexpensive country to travel. However, there are some tourist prices to avoid and exceptionally good deals to find. As an experienced traveler and kind of an "insider" I would like to contribute in the online community and share some information with other travelers who may be new to the country.

If you want to share some good deals you have found, you can do so on this Facebook group: What I found in Thailand under 1000 baht

You can contact me by email at thailand dot under. Add the at sign and 1000baht dot net. (Just hoping to avoid some junk email.)

I hope you enjoy this website. Have fun in Thailand!

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